Criminal Justice Student Association
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Natasha Johnson
President: Sashary Rosado
Vice President: Justin Veasley
Secretary & Communications Director: Malachi Moultrie
Treasurer: Jada Swain-Mark
Director of Communications: Michael T. Owens II
Questions? Contact [email protected]
The Criminal Justice Student Association (CJSA) seeks to promote knowledge and the understanding of crime and justice. We provide a forum that facilitates interaction between students, faculty, program alumni, professionals employed in the field, and members of the broader community.
The CJSA is open to all GSU students who are interested in crime and criminal justice issues. The purpose of the CJSA is to provide educational opportunities to students who are interested in the various facets of criminal justice. The CJSA aims to bring awareness of the societal problem of crime and criminal activity to others. We are committed to developing networks with future employers, the GSU Student Government Association, and faculty members within the Criminal Justice and Criminology Department. Membership within the CJSA is a means to involvement on-campus as well as the broader community. Not only does the organization provide a way for student involvement, it also helps students network with others interested in criminal justice issues as well as help in the development of leadership skills.
The CJSA encourages all GSU students interested in criminal justice to attend a CJSA meeting or event. All GSU students are welcome regardless of their major. Once one decides to join CJSA, there is a fifteen dollar ($15) initiation fee. This one-time fee provides membership in the CJSA for the student’s entire undergraduate career at GSU.