Economics Club
Welcome to Georgia State University’s Economics Club! The club aims to enhance the educational experience of all student. Furthermore, it is dedicated to promoting the knowledge of economics on campus as well as the community through it activities. Membership in the club is available to all GSU students regardless of major.
What is the club all about?
The Economics Club at GSU exists to create a way for students with similar interest to get together and enhance their undergraduate education, as well as learn more about how to obtain and be more successful in their careers and/or graduate school after finishing at GSU.
A typical year in the club
Tours of Local Attractions
What better way to experience local sites such as the Atlanta Federal Reserve than with a group of your peers. We conduct group tours of the Fed and other venues each semester to better understand how economics impacts our day-to-day lives.
Volunteer Services
The club also participates in various volunteer activities throughout the semesters, such as the BOOF Financial Literacy training with other AYS organization or Habitat for Humanity builds. This gives the club and its members an opportunity to give back to our communities.
Speaker Series
Every semester the Economics Club will be hosting a Speaker Series. We will have one topic per event consisting of a speaker(s) from the private, public, and/or educational sector(s). Food and beverages will be provided at selected forums.
Here are a few reasons why you should join
Internship and Job Opportunities
Being a member of the Economics Club means you get an upper hand on internship/job opportunities by having access to our database. Professors, local businesses, and government offices will be submitting opportunities as they become available throughout the year. Access to this database is a valuable tool in order to increase your competitive edge before and/or after you graduate.
The ability to have a venue in which to communicate with others interested in the same field is beneficial to all participants. Becoming familiar with each other’s niche will allow members to further assist one another by passing along any pertinent information that would further develop another’s individual career path.
Social Gathering
We occasionally meet for happy hour, attend a GSU, Braves, Falcons, or Hawks game at a discounted rate, and sometimes just play in the sun (Frisbee, football, soccer, rafting, etc.) or the AYS intramural teams. Expect to make new friendships that will last for years to come.
Who can join?
Any currently enrolled student with a GPA of 2.5 or above interested in participating in the organization.
What do I need to do to join?
Just contact us at [email protected]. We also have a GSU website at that has even more information about what we do.
Club Leadership
President: Zoraish Virani
Events Coordinator: Edgar Gonzalez
Questions? Contact us at [email protected]