Faculty Research Support
The Research Vault in the basement of the Andrew Young School collects selected literature and data sets on fiscal policy and economic issues to support ongoing research projects of the faculty and its research centers. Such data sources include ICPSR , the Census Bureau, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Working papers in economics from the National Bureau of Economic Research are available here.
EconLit from the American Economics Association, Tax Analyst, Tax Notes, Tax Notes International, & State Tax Notes on regulatory policy, and publications from the National Council of State Legislatures are shelved here & circulated to college faculty.
Frequently requested international publications: Government Finance Statistics Yearbook, World Economic Outlook, World Development Report, and publications by the OECD, International Monetary Fund, The World Bank and the United Nations. Training in web access is available for new users of economic & public administration sites.
The AYSPS Research vault is coordinated via the Dean’s Office through Ms. Christine Robinson. She can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 404-413-0000.
The AYSPS Research Vault support is provided by a graduate research assistant. Hours of availability are posted at the workstation in the space.
The Research Vault is located on the Vault Floor of the AYSPS Building at 14 Marietta Street. The phone number is 404-413-0019.
- Literature Search
- Journals contents – RSS
- Journal Holdings on the shelf
- Dissertations – electronic
- Dissertations – AYS on the shelf