Undergraduate Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Where Should I go for undergraduate advisement?
- Freshmen – less than thirty-one (30) hours of course work will seek advisement in the University Advisement Center (UAC).
- Sophmore/Juniors – between 31 and 89 hours will visit the University Advisement Center (UAC) for advisement.
- Seniors – classified with 90 hours or more, are advised through the AYS Office of Academic Assistance (OAA).
Where is the Office of Academic Assistance (OAA)?
The office is located at 55 Park Place, suite 239A, Atlanta, GA 30303
A campus map may be found at http://www.gsu.edu/map.html
Does OAA have walk-in hours?
Yes. Drop-ins are held virtually Monday through Thursday each week. The schedule is:
- Monday – 2:30 to 4:00 p.m Click to Join Virtual Lobby
- Tuesdays – 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Click to Join Virtual Lobby
- Wednesdays– 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. Click to Join Virtual Lobby
- Thursday – 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. Click to Join Virtual Lobby
Students may contact us by calling the OAA (404-413-0021).
What should I do before I meet with an advisor?
Before meeting with your advisor you should:
- Run your academic evaluation online and determine which courses you should be taking.
- Look at the course schedule for the next semester and make a list of the classes you would like to take and that will fit into your program of study.
- Register for your preferred classes if registration is already in session. You may change your schedule after advisement if necessary.
Yes, the following minors are offered:
Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology:
- Criminal Justice: Minor requirements
- Digital Criminology: Minor requirements
Department of Economics:
- Economics: Minor requirements
Department of Public Management and Policy:
- Nonprofit Leadership: Minor requirements
- Planning and Economic Development: Minor requirements
- Public Policy: Minor requirements
Urban Studies Institute:
- Urban Studies: Minor requirements
Undergraduate students in the Andrew Young School should email their minor choice to declare a minor reach out to your academic advisor. Click here to find your advisor.
If you are an Andrew Young School student you should fill out the online Change of College form. The form is here. If you are a student in a different college and wish to switch to the Andrew Young School you should contact that home College’s academic assistance office for the correct procedure. Once the form is submitted your academic file will be transferred to the appropriate college for processing.
Seniors should schedule an appointment with your advisor using Navigate to fill out their Academic Improvement Program discuss the SAP. Sophomores and juniors, your AIP form will be reviewed and approved by your academic advisor in the University Advisement Center. The AIP registration hold will be removed after the form has been reviewed and approved by your advisor.
- Note: it is a good idea to prepare a list of the courses you would like to take next term, including alternate courses, to your AIP advisement session.
The Andrew Young School does not offer wait listing or overflows into classes that are at maximum enrollment. If a course is full you may contact each department to inquire if new sections or seats will be added to the schedule for any particular course:
- Criminal Justice: 404-413-1020
- Economics: 404-413-0141
- Public Management and Policy: 404-413-0107
- Social Work: 404-413-1050
If no additional seats or sections will be added students should check the online schedule regularly and during the drop/add period for course openings.
Undergraduate and post-bacc students are generally restricted to taking only undergraduate-level courses. Exceptions may be made based on the following criteria:
An undergraduate student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and be within 18 semester hours of graduation; a post-baccalaureate student must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher in his or her undergraduate work as well as any graduate work taken at this or any other institution. Eligibility does not guarantee admission into a course.
Any graduate level course taken as an undergraduate or post-baccalaureate student will never count toward graduate degree requirements should the student be subsequently admitted. Students should contact their academic advisor for the appropriate approval form and process. Click here to find your advisor. Most undergraduate or post-bacc students will not be eligible for an exception.
- Note: Post-baccalaureate students who did not attend Georgia State as undergraduates must submit a transcript from previously attended institutions with this form.
Information on the cross-registration process is here. Please be sure to pay attention to the eligibility criteria, restrictions and deadlines. Speak with your advisor about any questions you may have.
- Note: Students interested in being a transient student must receive approval from their academic advisor using the transient request form completed by their academic advisor.
Students interested in being a transient student must receive approval from their academic advisor using the transient request form. Please contact your completed academic advisor to discuss any questions.
Students who meet eligibility requirements complete the online application and pay the non-refundable graduation fee by logging into PAWS. Once the Apply to Graduate button on the student dashboard is selected, step-by-step instructions will be provided regarding the application process.
The non-refundable graduation application fee is $25 for Associate degrees and $50 for Bachelor and Graduate degrees. Students must apply for each degree/major earned and pay a separate fee. The fee covers the cost of printing, packaging and mailing your diploma. More information including application deadlines is located at https://registrar.gsu.edu/graduation/
- Commencement information, dates and the RSVP link are located at https://commencement.gsu.edu/.
- Information on ordering your cap and gown can be found at https://commencement.gsu.edu/commencement-regalia/.
- Be sure to review the Commencement FAQ page for frequently asked questions: https://commencement.gsu.edu/faqs/