Amanda Gutwirth
Research Associate II- Biography
Amanda Gutwirth is a research associate II at the Public Finance Research Cluster in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies. Her research focuses on the Kenny A. Consent Decree Monitoring Project, which examines the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services’ practices related to service planning, placements, and the investigation of foster care maltreatment allegations and other standards. Prior to joining Georgia State University, she worked as a senior editor in the healthcare field. She managed a program for Easter Seals that supported adults diagnosed with developmental disabilities and/or dementia. Her interests include education and curriculum reform; child welfare policy, practices, and reform; restorative justice; and cultural practices and attitudes relative to aging and death. She holds a master’s degree in macro social work from Georgia State University, certification in editing from the University of Washington, and a bachelor of arts degree in cognitive psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz.