Glenn W. Harrison
Director, Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk and Professor and Holder of the C.V. Starr Chair Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Science- Education
- Ph.D., economics, UCLA
- master of arts, UCLA
- master of economics, Monash University
- bachelor of economics (honours), Monash University (Melbourne, Australia)
- Specializations
- economics of Risk
- experimental Economics
- welfare Economics
- environmental and Resource Economics
- Biography
Glenn Harrison is the C.V. Starr Chair of Risk Management & Insurance, Distinguished University Professor, and Director of the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) in the Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Science, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. He has more than 200 academic publications, including general journals such as Econometrica, American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Economic Journal, Journal of the American Statistical Association, and American Journal of Public Health, and specialist journals such as Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, Journal of Law & Economics, Experimental Economics, Journal of Economic Methodology, and Economics & Philosophy. His research interests include the economics of risk preferences, risk perception, and insurance, as well as experimental economics, law and economics, international trade policy and environmental policy.
His research in the economics of risk includes the econometrics of inferring structural risk preferences from laboratory and field experiments. More recently he has developed tools to elicit subjective belief distributions, allowing the evaluation of the bias and confidence of risk perceptions at points in time, as well as their evolution over time. Finally, he has developed methods for the normative analysis of insurance as an ex ante risk management tool.
His research in experimental economics has included the study of bidding behavior in auctions, market contestability and regulation, bargaining behavior, and the elicitation of risk and time preferences. Most recently it has examined the complementarity of laboratory and field experiments. His research in law and economics has centered on the calculation of compensatory damages in tobacco litigation, including testifying for plaintiffs in the Medicaid litigation that resulted in a settlement worth more than $200 billion. He has also worked on the relationship between compensatory and punitive damages, and class actions involving the excessive promotion of certain drugs. His research in international trade policy has employed computable general equilibrium models to quantify the effects of unilateral, regional and multilateral trade reforms. A particular focus of this policy analysis has been to assess the effects of trade reform on poor households in developing countries. His research in environmental economics has included modeling the effects of alternative policies to mitigate global warming, critiques of casual applications of the contingent valuation method, and improved methods of damage assessment. Most recently he has focused on the formal characterization of environmental reform as a “policy lottery” that properly reflects uncertainty in predicted effects on households.
Professor Harrison has been a consultant for numerous government agencies and private bodies. These include the World Bank (evaluating trade policy reforms for developing countries), the Swedish government and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (evaluating carbon tax proposals), the Danish government (evaluating tax and deregulation policies), and counsel representing parties suing tobacco companies and drug companies for economic damages. Professor Harrison is a Pisces, and loves red wine, one Swedish woman, one American daughter, and one Swedish-American grandson. Before academic life, Professor Harrison played Australian “no-rules” football for Hawthorn in the Australian Football League, kicking one goal in his career.
- Publications
- “Cautionary Notes on the Use of Field Experiments to Address Policy Issues,” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 30(4), 2014, 753-763.
- “Discounting Behavior: A Reconsideration,” (with Steffen Andersen, Morten Lau and Elisabet Rutström) European Economic Review, 71, November 2014, 15-33.
- “Estimating Subjective Probabilities
- ” (with Steffen Andersen, John Fountain and Elisabet Rutström) Journal of Risk & Uncertainty, 48(3), June 2014, 207-229.
- “Subjective Beliefs and the Statistical Forecasts of Financial Risks: the Chief Risk Officer Project,” (with Richard D. Phillips) in T.J. Andersen (ed.) Contemporary Challenges in Risk Management (New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
- “Field Experiments and Methodological Intolerance,” Journal of Economic Methodology, 20(2), 2013, 103-117.
- “Randomisation and Its Discontents,” Journal of African Economies, 20(4), 2011, 626-652.
- “Neuroeconomics: A Critical Reconsideration,” Economics & Philosophy, 24(3), 2008, 303-344.
- “Lost in State Space: Are Preferences Stable?
- ” (with Steffen Andersen, Morten Lau and Elisabet Rutström) International Economic Review, 49(3), August 2008, 1091-1112.
- “Eliciting Risk and Time Preferences,” (with Steffen Andersen, Morten Lau and Elisabet Rutström) Econometrica, 76(3), May 2008, 583-618.
- “Naturally Occurring Preferences and Exogenous Laboratory Experiments: A Case Study of Risk Aversion,” (with John A. List and Charles Towe) Econometrica, 75(2), March 2007, 433-458.
- “Trade Policy and Poverty Reduction in Brazil,” (with Thomas F. Rutherford, David G. Tarr, and Antonio Gurgel), World Bank Economic Review, 18(3), 2004, 289-317.
- “Field Experiments,” (with John A. List) Journal of Economic Literature, 42(4), December 2004, 1013-1059.
- “Trade Liberalization, Poverty and Efficient Equity,” (with Thomas F. Rutherford and David G. Tarr), Journal of Development Economics, 71, June 2003, 97-128.
- “Estimating Individual Discount Rates in Denmark: A Field Experiment,” (with Morten I. Lau and Melonie B. Williams) American Economic Review, 92(5), December 2002, 1606-1617.
- “Quantifying the Uruguay Round
- ” (with David Tarr and Thomas F. Rutherford), Economic Journal, 107, September 1997, 1405-1430.
- “Economic Implications for Turkey of a Customs Union With the European Union
- ” (with Thomas F. Rutherford and David G. Tarr), European Economic Review, 41, 1997, 861-870.
- “Homegrown Values and Hypothetical Surveys: is the Dichotomous Choice Approach Incentive Compatible?
- ” (with Ronald G. Cummings and E. Elisabet Rutström), American Economic Review, 85, March 1995, 260-266.
- “Theory and Misbehavior of First-Price Auctions: Reply,” American Economic Review, 82, December 1992, 1426-1443.
- “Trade Wars, Trade Negotiations, and Applied Game Theory
- ” (with E. E. Rutström), The Economic Journal, 101, May 1991, 420-435.
- “Risk Attitudes in First-Price Auction Experiments: A Bayesian Analysis,” The Review of Economics & Statistics, 72, August 1990, 541-546.
- “Theory and Misbehavior of First-Price Auctions,” American Economic Review, 79, September 1989, 749-762.
- “An Experimental Evaluation of Weakest-Link/Best-Shot Models of Public Goods
- ” (with Jack Hirshleifer) Journal of Political Economy, 97, February 1989, 201-225.
- “Best Approximate Aggregation of Input-Output Systems
- ” (with Richard Manning), Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, December 1987, 1027-1031.
- “Experimental Evaluation of the Coase Theorem
- ” (with Michael McKee), Journal of Law and Economics, 28, October 1985, 653-670.
- “Monopoly Behavior, Decentralized Regulation, and Contestable Markets: An Experimental Evaluation
- ” (with Michael McKee) The Rand Journal of Economics, 16, Spring 1985, 51-69.
- “The Informational Efficiency of Experimental Asset Markets
- ” (with Daniel Friedman and Jon Salmon) Journal of Political Economy, 92, June 1984, 349-408.
- “Evaluating the Expected Welfare Gain of Insurance,” (with Jia Min Ng) Journal of Risk & Insurance, 83(1), March 2016, 91-120.
- “Information Characteristics and Errors in Expectations: Experimental Evidence,” (with Constantinos Antoniou, Morten I. Lau and Daniel Read) Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, 52(2), April 2017, 737-750.
- “Scoring Rules for Subjective Probability Distributions,” (with Jimmy Martínez-Correa, J. Todd Swarthout and Eric Ulm) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 134, 2017, 430-448.
- “Varieties of Paternalism and the Heterogeneity of Utility Structures,” (with Don Ross) Journal of Economic Methodology, 25(1), 2018, 42-67.
- “Multiattribute Utility Theory, Intertemporal Utility, and Correlation Aversion,” (with Steffen Andersen, Morten Lau and Elisabet Rutström) International Economic Review, 59(2), May 2018, 537-555.
- “Asset Integration and Attitudes to Risk: Theory and Evidence,” (with Steffen Andersen, James Cox, Morten Lau, Elisabet Rutström, and Vjollca Sadiraj) Review of Economics & Statistics, 100(5), December 2018, 816-830.
- “Welfare Effects of Insurance Contract Non-Performance,” (with Jia Min Ng) Geneva Risk & Insurance Review, 43(1), May 2018, 39-76.
- “Risk Preferences, Time Preferences, and Smoking Behavior,” (with Andre Hofmeyr, Don Ross, and J. Todd Swarthout) Southern Economic Journal, 85(2), 2018, 313-348.
- “Eye-Tracking and Economic Theories of Choice Under Risk,” (with J. Todd Swarthout) Journal of the Economic Science Association, 5(1), August 2019, 26-37.
- “Behavioral Insurance and Economic Theory: A Literature Review,” (with Jia Min Ng), Risk Management & Insurance Review, 2019, 22, 133-182.
- “The Behavioral Welfare Economics of Insurance,” Geneva Risk & Insurance Review, 44(2), September 2019, 137–175.
- “Risk Attitudes, Sample Selection and Attrition in a Longitudinal Field Experiment,” (with Morten I. Lau and Hong Il Yoo), Review of Economics & Statistics, 102(3), July 2020, 552-568.
- “Endogenous Choice of Institutional Punishment Mechanisms to Promote Social Cooperation,” (with Anabela Botelho, Lígia M. Costa Pinto, Don Ross and E. Elisabet Rutström) Public Choice, forthcoming.
- “Literacy and the Quality of Index Insurance Decisions,” (with Karlijn Morsink and Mark Schneider) Geneva Risk & Insurance Review, 2021 forthcoming.
- “Statistical Bias Functions and Informative Hypothetical Surveys
- ” (with McKinley Blackburn and E. Elisabet Rutström), American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 76(5), December 1994, 1084-1088.
- “Are Hypothetical Referenda Incentive Compatible?
- ” (with Ronald G. Cummings, Steven Elliott, and James Murphy), Journal of Political Economy, 105, June 1997, 609-621.
- “Burden Sharing, Joint Implementation, and Carbon Coalitions
- ” (with Thomas F. Rutherford), in C. Carraro (ed.), International Environmental Agreements on Climate Change (Amsterdam: Kluwer, 1999).
- “Multilateral Negotiations Over Climate Change Policy
- ” (with Lígia M. Costa Pinto), Journal of Policy Modeling, 25(9), December 2003, 911-930.
- “Virtual Experiments and Environmental Policy
- ” (with Stephen M. Fiore, Charles E. Hughes and E. Elisabet Rutström), Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 57(1), January 2009, 65-86.
- “Efficient Equity: Removing Salary Discrimination By Meeting Statistical Legal Constraints at Least Cost
- ” (with Maribeth Coller and Thomas F. Rutherford), Economics Letters, 52, 1996, 81-88.
- “Mortgage Lending in Boston: A Reconsideration of the Evidence,” Economic Inquiry, 36(1), January 1998, 29-38.
- “Evaluating the Tobacco Settlement: Are the Damages Awards Too Much or Not Enough?
- ” (with Maribeth Coller and Melayne Morgan McInnes), American Journal of Public Health, 92(6), June 2002, 984-989.
- “Individual Discount Rates and Smoking: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Denmark,” (with Morten Lau and Elisabet Rutström) Journal of Health Economics, 29, 2010, 708-717.
- “Disordered Gambling Prevalence: Methodological Innovations in a General Danish Population Survey,” (with Lasse J. Jessen, Morten Lau and Don Ross) Journal of Gambling Studies, 34(1), March 2018, 225-253.
- “The Risk of Gambling Problems in the General Population: A Reconsideration,” (with Morten Lau and Don Ross), Journal of Gambling Studies, 36, 2020, 1133-1159.
- “Eliciting Beliefs about COVID-19 Prevalence and Mortality: Epidemiological Models Compared with The Street,” (with Andre Hofmeyr, Harold Kincaid, Brian Monroe, Don Ross, Mark Schneider and J. Todd Swarthout), Methods, forthcoming 2021.
- “Old-Age Provision: Past, Present, Future,” (with Hansjörg Albrecher, Paul Embrechts, Damir Filipovic, Pablo Koch, Stéphane Loisel, Paolo Vanini and Joël Wagner), European Actuarial Journal, 6(2), 2016, 287-306.