Tammy Greer
Clinical Assistant Professor & Director of BIS in Social Entrepreneurship Department of Public Management and Policy- Biography
Dr. Greer has a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, a Master of Security Management (both from the University of Houston-Downtown), and a Ph.D. in Political Science from Clark Atlanta University with focus areas in American Government (including state and local government), Urban Politics, Comparative Politics, and International Politics. She has served in numerous capacities in the private sector as well as the public sector, including as an educator.
Dr. Greer’s interests include community and civic involvement, focusing on how policy and the lack of equitable public policy impact historically underserved communities. She advocates for consistent civic engagement and voting, especially in non-presidential elections, including voting for all positions on the ballot. Dr. Greer serves as a board member of several organizations, including Georgia Women Connect, Media Policy Center, and the community chair working to create community gardens in urban food deserts. Dr. Greer has been interviewed in numerous state, nationwide, and international media outlets, including CNBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, NPR, Washington Post, WGN, Christian Science Monitor, and the Atlanta-Journal Constitution regarding politics and policy. She is the author of the forthcoming book Checks Without Change: Moving From Protest To Policy.