Vjollca Sadiraj
Professor | Associate Director of Experimental Economics Department of Economics, Experimental Economics Center- Education
Ph.D., University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Specializations
Experimental Economics, Public Economics, Game Theory, Applied Microeconomics, Decision Theory
- Biography
Sadiraj is a Professor in the Department of Economics and Associate Director of the Experimental Economics Center. Her work includes research programs in public choice, public economics, individual social preferences, and decision theory. She is interested in theoretical modeling and experimental testing of the theory. Her projects include the emergence and role of interest groups in spatial models of electoral competition, effects of rotation arrangements on committee performance, theoretical modeling of social preferences and reference-dependent monotonic choice, conditional and unconditional altruism, slight- and large-stakes risk aversion, and social dilemmas in payoff equivalent public good games with positive and negative externalities. Her applied research is on unplanned hospital readmissions, a topic in healthcare delivery identified by Medicare as a central quality and cost problem. The objective of this applied research is to improve hospital discharge decision-making through the development and application of a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS). She is one of the four inventors of United States Letters Patent No. 10,622,099 for “Systems and Methods for Supporting Hospital Discharge Decision Making.