Please contact your assigned unit or center administrator for support as soon as you decide to respond to a funding opportunity. If possible, allow 2-4 months to work with the administrator to review the guidelines, coordinate with other colleges or institutions if necessary, develop your internal routing package, and prepare the funding agency’s required documents.
Typical procedure:
- Find funding opportunity and announcement (PIVOT-RP/Internet/Faculty Insights/Colleague)
- Please fill out the Proposal Intent to Submit form.
- Contact administrator immediately for assistance with several of the following steps
- Complete the Significant Financial Interest disclosure
- Ensure all investigators/key personnel complete SFIs
- Ensure PI is registered with the sponsor, if needed (for example, NSF-FastLane and NIH-eRA Commons)
- If submitting proposal to a federal agency other than NSF, use the CayuseS2S system
- Begin developing a budget
- Build proposal sections, complete forms, add supplementary documents
- Collect documents from external collaborators
- Complete an F&A Waiver form if needed
- Proposal cover sheet/ Research Portal submission
- Final approval by Office of Sponsored Programs & Awards (OSPA)
- Proposal submitted to funding agency
See Frequently Asked Questions for more info on routing and budget templates.