Practicum Education FAQs
In addition to the “Frequently Asked Questions” addressed in this section, additional Practicum Education Information can be found in the Practicum Education Manual:
Practicum education offers the social work student an opportunity to apply classroom learning in an agency-based supervised practicum experience. The practicum education courses at both the undergraduate (BSW) and graduate (MSW) levels consist of two components: (1) the practicum placement experience and (2) the practicum integrative seminar. The practicum placement is the agency site where the student engages as an intern under professional supervision. The practicum integrative seminar, facilitated by the faculty liaison, provides an on-campus forum for the integration of academic learning with agency-based practicum placement.
Practicum education offers the social work student an opportunity to apply classroom learning in an agency-based supervised practicum experience. The practicum education courses at both the undergraduate (BSW) and graduate (MSW) levels consist of two components: (1) the placement experience and (2) the practicum integrative seminar. The practicum placement is the agency site where the student engages as an intern under professional supervision. The practicum integrative seminar, facilitated by the faculty liaison, provides an on-campus forum for the integration of academic learning with agency-based practicum placement.
The BSW and 1st-year MSW students are required to complete a minimum of 400 hours of practicum education over two semesters. These students are at the practicum placement site for 16 hours per week (two full days, excluding lunch). The 2nd-year MSW students are required to complete a minimum of 500 hours over two semesters spending 18 hours per week (three days) at the practicum site. Generalist practice students must meet a minimum of 200 hours each semester. Specialization students must meet a minimum of 252 hours each semester.
BSW classes are scheduled on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, leaving Tuesdays and Thursdays for practicum placement. MSW classes are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays, leaving Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for practicum placement. The student’s agency schedule must be discussed and approved by the practicum supervisor. Also, there may be certain days/times when the practicum supervisor requests that the student be at the practicum site (e.g., agency meetings, special events). This can be arranged depending on the student’s class schedule. Please note that a student may not miss classes to be at the practicum site.
The entire practicum application process will take place via the Tevera system. Students should check their student email regularly as the invitation to register for Tevera will come to their student email. Tevera registration cost $203 for lifetime access to the Tevera system. Students will also pay for liability insurance prior to beginning placement. Students should monitor their email address for more information about liability insurance.
The liability insurance fee covers professional liability insurance. The Tevera fee gains you access to the Tevera time and document tracking system. Both of these fees are mandatory. These fees do not cover the practicum education text book or other materials that may be required. Students must purchase new liability insurance each year. Fees are not refundable.
In the application, there is a question addressing special circumstances. Students who note special circumstances should make an appointment to meet with the Practicum Education Office personnel.
After the practicum application is submitted it will be processed and the student will receive a practicum assignment via Tevera. Students should NOT solicit agencies or negotiate their own placement site. Agencies must be approved by the Practicum Education Office.
The Practicum Education Office reviews the student application, including where they live and social work interests, as well as the agency/organizations location and services to make the best match. Agencies are constantly changing and are evaluated annually.
Please contact the field education office regarding interests in work based practicum placements.
Once a student is assigned to a practicum site, the student will need to contact the agency contact to schedule an interview. Different agencies have different processes to accept the student. Some agencies conduct formal, group interviews and some agencies are much more informal. Writing samples are routinely requested. Students should be prepared for all situations. At the interview, students should be dressed professionally, presented as courteous and have resume and the appropriate social work competencies (Generalist or Specialist) in hand.
Increasingly agencies are requiring background checks. Students should be prepared for both situations. Ideally, background checks should be completed prior to the placement starting date. Although, the School of Social Work requires a background check, state agencies and medical facilities will sometimes require an additional background check (students are responsible for all additional costs).
Please bring your resume and social work competencies.
Please see the Georgia State University’s career planning office.
Practicum seminar classes start in August. Practicum education hours typically start in late August. Practicum hours cannot start over the summer.
If the student decides not to accept, or is denied, a placement, the student must discuss options with the practicum director.
A student who is rejected for placement by TWO agencies in one semester for reasons related to inappropriateness (i.e. behavior, attitude) or lack of readiness for placement may be dismissed from the program.
The practicum supervisor is the agency person who provides the student with on-site supervision. This person is responsible for providing weekly supervision and evaluating student performance. Some students may be assigned to work with task supervisors as well. However, the student is accountable, first and foremost, to the practicum supervisor, who directs the learning experience.
The faculty liaison is the assigned faculty person responsible for providing the communication link between the School of Social Work and the practicum placement site. The liaison monitors the overall placement experience through agency visits and facilitation of the practicum integrative seminars. The liaison is responsible for assigning the final practicum education grade.
Please visit the Practicum Education Manual as well as the website for the most up to date policies.