Tutoring Assistance
The Cooperative Learning Laboratory (120 Kell Hall/404-413-2060)
The Cooperative Learning Laboratory is a joint facility shared by Learning Support Programs/Student Support Services, the Wells Computer Center, and the College of Health and Human Sciences. The laboratory provides instructional support in the areas of reading, composition, mathematics, and study skills for students in the courses taught in the Department of Learning Support Programs.
An open access computer lab contains software that complements course offerings. Additionally, a Tutorial Clearinghouse provides support to students interested in becoming tutors or seeking to hire tutors. Supplemental instruction is offered in select university classes.
Language Acquisition and Resource Center (LARC) (128 Langdale Hall/404-413-5987)
This facility enhances the development of the student’s active language skills and provides added cultural and literary knowledge. The Language Acquisition and Resource Center offers a wide range of audiovisual materials including videos and CD-roms, as well as the most up-to-date instructional computer software available.
Mathematics Assistance Complex (MAC Lab) (GSU Sports Arena, Room 110 at 125 Decatur Street)
The purpose of the complex is to support the undergraduate instruction program by providing tutorial assistance to students who are taking lower-division courses in mathematics and statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Undergraduate Economics Tutoring Lab (AYSPS Building)
Find the times and meeting places at http://aysps.gsu.edu/economics/undergraduate-economics-tutoring-lab/
The Writing Studio (976 Langdale Hall/404-413-5840)
The Writing Studio in the Department of English offers assistance with writing assignments for any course in the university. Help in preparing for the essay portion of the Regents’ Test is also available.